
Dead space 2 multiplayer still active
Dead space 2 multiplayer still active

Boobeam Traps shoot timer can be desync with other boobeam traps when they are against a section edge.

dead space 2 multiplayer still active

Boobeam Traps can shoot the player even when out of the section. When standing on the slowest conveyor configuration, the player cannot be crushed by push blocks pushing him against a wall. Game crashes when landing on a spike while in contact with a Stone Man Platform. Spike takes priority when standing both on spike and any other solid, top solid or platforms. Bubble Lead and Wind Storm do not properly break destructible boxes from spawners or when placed manually in the editor. Black part of Gravity Fields sometimes draws above other objects. Water and Lava Hovers may end up pushing other objects into the ceiling when going up. Gravity Fields projections don't stop at sections when length is set manually. Stacking two Lighter Push Blocks on top of lava and then jumping on them crashes the game. When using Fan, the player doesn't die from spikes on the ceiling. Lava Hover Saver may crash the game when attempting to save certain projectiles. Lava Hover Saver ignores enemies and projectiles when they are touching another floor. After using Charge Kick, the player may be invulnerable to spikes. Old Ice Blocks can no longer be broken by Fuse Lasers. Cossack 1 Tile and Cossack 1 Tile 2's slippery collision have been inverted. Rain at level 5 is as strong as Rain previously was at level 4. Undergoing a screen transition after being grabbed by Kamikamin Chest may make the player invincible. Cold Man may crash the game while fighting him.

dead space 2 multiplayer still active

When using Break Dash, boss intros do not lock the player's movement. The game crashes when using Danger Wrap on Kamikamin Chest. Battan tries its best to lift MM11 Brick Blocks, but isn't strong enough and ends up clipping into the ground.

dead space 2 multiplayer still active

MM11 Breakable Block's description contains a typo. You sometimes cannot enter Teleporters that are slightly off-screen. Teleporters placed in early versions of the game can make ladders stop working after teleporting. Blast Man second part of its intro now will check if there's a ground below before continuing to go down to prevent self destruction in a pit or lava. Ice Wall can now activate Astro Buttons on walls.

Dead space 2 multiplayer still active